Tuesday night delivered a victory – not for me, but for all of us and all of Oregon. It is because of your belief in a better Oregon and your support and hard work over the last year that Oregon chose the path that will lead us to a better future.
Collectively we spent countless hours delivering our message of hope and opportunity to citizens across the state. We talked about stable funding for schools, access to health care for all kids, ending our dependence on foreign oil, and fighting for more living wage jobs so all Oregonians can provide for themselves and their families. We also got citizens involved who never had engaged in the political process before, bridging old divides and developing new partnerships.
You reminded me throughout this campaign that Oregon’s greatest assets are its citizens. Because of your hard work, support and determination to never give up, we now have a great opportunity to invest in that greatest asset – our people – and make Oregon a place where we give our people a chance to take care of their families and provide the opportunity for our children to learn, be healthy and succeed in the world.
We have a lot of work ahead to achieve the goals we fought so hard for during this election. But I know we will be successful if we continue to work together and remind each other not to let the opportunity before us pass us by.
So thank you, again, to all of my supporters who worked tirelessly in this campaign, in every county of the state. Thank you for a spirited effort and thank you for standing with me to raise the flags of hope and opportunity that will guide us to a better future.
For Oregon,
Ted Kulongoski
Read More: A victory for hope and opportunity
» November 9, 2006 - Top Stories
Ted has been traveling the state, encouraging Oregonians to get out and vote. The election is just a week away and getting our supporters to the polls will make the difference in this election.
After the jump, check out video highlights from our recent rallies with Vice President Gore, DNC Chairman Howard Dean, Senator Ron Wyden and other leaders in Oregon!
Read More: New Video: Time to Get Out and Vote!
» October 31, 2006 - Front Page News, Ted TV
The campaign launched a new television spot this week, highlighting the Governor's accomplishments in his first term.
The ad, airing statewide, notes the Governor's successes in education, public safety, consumer protection and protecting a woman's right to choose.
Click through to watch it and learn more about Governor Kulongoski's record.
Read More: New TV Ad Highlights Ted's Accomplishments
» October 25, 2006 - Front Page News, Ted TV
Ted has picked up several endorsements from across the state in the past few days including The Daily Astorian, the Baker City Herald, and the La Grande Observer.
The editorials noted Governor Kulongoski's quiet leadership, while condemning Ron Saxton's hack and slash approach to the race.
Follow the link below to read the endorsements for yourself.
Read More: Ted Picks Up Endorsement of The Daily Astorian, Baker City Herald and La Grande Observer
» October 20, 2006 - Front Page News
Last week, over half of the district attorneys across Oregon endorsed
Governor Kulongoski's reelection effort - none have endorsed Ron Saxton.
During his first term, the Governor has worked hard to eliminate the meth epidemic threatening our state - closing 70 percent of the small meth labs in Oregon. He has also fought to stop child abuse and punish sexual predators, as well as won passage of tough new laws against the abuse of elderly Oregonians.
Read More: Oregon District Attorneys Endorse Ted
» October 19, 2006 - Crime & Justice, Endorsements, Front Page News
The Oregonian made a questionable call this weekend, deciding not to go with the Governor this election. This despite the editorial page's support for the issues Governor Kulongoski is championing: better support for schools, ensure every child has access to health care and increase the fairness of our tax system.
In the first 48 hours since the O announced their pick, the public has responded - submitting 140 letters in response. Only four supported their decision. You can read the sample they published today here.
Read More: Public Responds to O Endorsement
» October 17, 2006 - Front Page News